“My neck’s been popping and cracking and it’s freaking me out! I’ve been avoiding certain activities cause I’m worried that I’m making things worse!”🍿🪓👎 This was a concern shared by Tina in the office yesterday. It’s true. After one starts receiving Network Spinal Care parts of their spine may begin to spontaneously “crack” or “pop” at random times.☠️✨🥤 The cracking and popping is not to be feared; it’s to be embraced. It’s a normal part of the process and an indication that your system is starting to become more self-organizing and self-correcting. As we experience stress; whether it’s physical, chemical or mental/emotional in nature, we either adapt to that stress or we don’t. If we don’t adapt, we store that stress in the tissues of our body.😣💪🤺 As we experience more stress and adapt less, more and more stress accumulates in the body. The system starts to create a sort of “wall” in certain areas of the body. As I palpate a person’s spine, the muscles and tissues actually feel like a wall. Almost like the body is saying, “don’t look here, don’t feel here, don’t touch me, I have my guard up!”🧱🏛️🚀 And you do have your guard up. The body is, literally, in defense. This is indicated not only in how the body feels, but how the person is holding their body. The posturing is that of defense; hunched over, guarded, and ready to “fight or run,” (fight or flight syndrome). Sometimes the person feels pain in these areas and/or feels disconnected from those parts of their body. They can’t feel breath moving in those areas and may feel tight and inflexible. Or maybe they just don’t feel anything at all. 😢😮💨
As the person starts receiving Network entrainments, the first shift that occurs is the deactivation of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) and the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (peace state). The breath kicks in and starts to slowly reach places in the body where it previously was unable.
The muscles, tendons, and ligaments start to relax. The walls in the body start to come down. The walls are no longer needed as the body stops perceiving the environment as threatening. 🍗🖼️🍂
An entrainment usually last 10-15 mins. The person get’s off the table and feels different. There’s been a release and it can feel as though their “computer has been rebooted”.
They may then take a breath, shift their body, or slightly stretch and feel a “pop.” If you’ve never felt your body do this, it may be a little shocking.
It may sound like “bones are crunching.” Let me explain.🧘🦴😮
The vertebrae (bones of the spine) sit atop each other with a cushy disc in between and are also joined together by facet joints (see picture). Facet joints contain cartilaginous tissue and synovial fluid within the joint space.Our vertebrae are designed to move; which allows us to bend forward, backward, sideways, twist, etc. When a wall forms in our spine as a result of stress, commonly there is less range of motion. When thewall comes down, the vertebrae start to regain full range of motion, causing shifting in the facet joints. ❤️🔥💃🏻
As the facet joints move against each other there is a release of CO2 which sounds like a pop. Similar to the sound that occurs when a suction cup is removed from a window.
This movement occurs at the perfect time, in the perfect direction, and in the perfect way for the body. Nothing is forcing this movement. 💯👌🧭
The movement occurs as a result of there being less tension in the system and the system feels safe to organize itself to whatever position is most optimal at that moment.
So my advice to Tina; don’t fear the pop! It’s awesome! Your body is just continually upgrading to optimal! ⏳⛱️🎀
If you would like some assistance with "upgrading to optimal" consider getting on our schedule for one of our totally awesome services!