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Ionic Detox Footbath

In today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemicals, yeast, bacteria, molds & fungus, and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before. We tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of acid waste products, which attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands, causing minor to major dysfunction.



When you are healthy your body can eliminate these toxins out quite easily and without symptoms.  When your system becomes overwhelmed physically, chemically, and emotionally you can no longer clear them out and you become “toxic”. 


Signs of possible toxicity include:
  • Allergies                                                   

  • Dark circles under the eyes  

  • Fatigue  

  • Frequent illness  

  • Gas & bloating 



  • Joint Pain

  • Headaches

  • Bad breath

  • Difficulty losing weight

  • Muscle aches and pains

How does it work?

Ion cleansing helps the body detox through the healing power of ions. Ions, because of their powerful charge, cleanse the body more effectively than any other method of detox. The process is safe, relaxing, and non-invasive, with no harmful side effects.


During the footbath the body detoxifies while you are comfortably seated with your feet placed in a container of warm water.  The Ion-Cleanse process generates a stream of positive and negative ions, which attract and attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles.


These particles are then drawn back out through the pores of the skin through the process of osmosis. Each session  takes 30 minutes.  A complete and thorough body detoxification will take approximately 10—14 sessions.  


Detoxification through ionic cleansing is a very efficient way to remove toxins from the body,  regardless of where in the body they are stored.

In today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemicals, yeast, bacteria, molds & fungus, and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before. We tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of acid waste products, which attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands, causing minor to major dysfunction.


What Do the Colors Mean?

Many colors and objects appear in the water during IonCleanse sessions. Based on EAV (Electry Acupuncture by Voll) testing, the table to the right  shows what it seems the colors in the water represent:

How Will I Feel After the Session? 

Most people feel great after their session and they report feeling “lighter,” more relaxed, have clearer thinking and are less achy.  Occasionally a person will have a “cleansing response,” which may feel like fatigue or have flu-like symptoms. While not typical, it does sometimes happen, especially if a person a person takes a lot of pharmaceutical drugs, is highly toxic and/or they don’t drink enough water*.


People who have any sort of joint pain or inflammation (arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.) often report a lessening of symptoms, sometimes after just one session. Cleansing doesn’t “treat” the problem, but it can reduce inflammation in the body, providing symptomatic relief. 


*You will continue to flush toxins from your system for 3 days following your footbath.  Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day will aid the process and usually eliminate or at least minimize the cleansing response.

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